One of the things that IYN is doing at this time is to encourage interested parties to start chapters in their communities.
You can go here to view some of them. While some don't, most of these chapters have websites to go with them, and each one of those websites is impressive in its own way.
As for myself, I have temporarily reduced my website to two pages: a welcome page and a basic information page. My website actually contains several pages, but I've been dealing with a lot of issues to where it has been hard to focus on getting them finished (some were already finished, but the ones that weren't were starting to stand out like sore thumbs and spoil the whole look).
This week, one of my projects will be getting my website prepared for a grand re-opening. I will be announcing it in this blog when it's really up-and-going.
As I've just said, all of the websites are very good and interesting--and each one unique--but there is one that especially stands out in a crowd, and that's the one designed by Renee Bernheisel of Fulton County, Ohio.
I hope that you will take the time to check it out. Not only is the website BEYONDunique in its make-up but it also shows that a lot of participation has been generated in this area.
It's our dream that our network of chapters will grow until everywhere in the world where kids need extended hands instead of pointing fingers will be covered!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Our Sick Society--And What Is Being/Can Be Done About It. . .
Russell wrote:
Everytime I watch the news there are reports of children being murdered by their parents, child abuse, children being molested by school faculty, children being shot down on the streets and children being abducted on their way to or from school.
And much more!
What kind of sick society have we become?
If you feel so angry/frustrated/tense that you feel that there's even the slightest chance that you might take it out on your child or a child in your care, please contact Parents Anonymous or (if there isn't one in your area) a similar group that will help you through this rough patch in a sympathetic, non-judgmental way.
Even if you have already lost control and have taken/are taking your issues out on your child/child in your care, don't hesitate to seek help before the situation gets really out-of-hand. There is no shame in letting people know that you need help.
If you or anyone you know have never dealt with issues like these before, consider yourselves to be fortunate and do more than point fingers at those who do. The ills of society will be better solved through the use of extended hands instead of pointing fingers.
We need places for our kids to go and enjoy constructive activities as opposed to being left to their own resources and getting mixed up with gangs.
We need for school to be a safe and positive experience for our kids instead of one of fear, discomfort, and hurt feelings.
We need for our kids to believe--and rightly so--that there are trustworthy people to turn to and that these people will truly listen to what they have to say and do their best to offer them solutions.
We also need for troubled adults (people of any age, in fact) to know that it's okay to ask for help when dealing with negative, antisocial emotions--and we need to make sure that there are places out there where they can turn and know that they will be seen/treated as people with issues that they need help in solving instead of being seen as "bad" people.
I've said many times, and I'll say it again that it's good to imagine that you have two grown children who are both loved dearly, unconditionally, and in equal measure by you. One is the victim of a terrible crime, and the other one has committed a terrible crime. Think about what outcome you would want for each of them, and you will be well on your way to designing a society that offers real solutions to the problems we face.
Put your prayers, love, positive thoughts, time, money, and good words behind organizations such as Parents Anonymous, Invisible Youth Network, Operation Respect, Boys & Girls Clubs Of America, and others that are offering positive and empowering solutions to a troubled world!
Ainsley Jo Phillips,
Invisible Youth Network,
Russell T. Hartsaw,
young adult,
Friday, February 26, 2010
Countdown To March 26, 2010
The following message was originally posted as a discussion topic at the IYN group at Care2.
As of this posting, we are a month away from the third anniversary of when Invisible Youth Network was launched.
Let's make this a month of conscious celebration and action. Here are some things we can be doing--some on a daily basis, others on a frequent basis, and others at least once--during the days leading up to our anniversary day (and nobody would be unhappy if you keep on doing any/some/all of them even after March 26, 2010 has come and gone).
This is addressed to all 2408 of our current members--plus any who might happen to come along afterwards. . .
Ainsley Jo Phillips
Management Team
Invisible Youth Network
Chapter President
Sugar Fork Creek Chapter of Madison County
Let's make this a month of conscious celebration and action. Here are some things we can be doing--some on a daily basis, others on a frequent basis, and others at least once--during the days leading up to our anniversary day (and nobody would be unhappy if you keep on doing any/some/all of them even after March 26, 2010 has come and gone).
This is addressed to all 2408 of our current members--plus any who might happen to come along afterwards. . .
- Visit our website ( and take note of what we're all about.
- Share a link to our website with your friends and encourage them to visit.
- If you can afford to, donate. You will find out how by going here: Take note that there are subdivisions to this initial link that need to be checked out. These will give you ways to donate while shopping and (which is especially good for those, like myself, who can only afford to donate occasionally) fun activities to do that will result in the receiving of donations from sponsors.
- Encourage your friends to check out this information on how to donate/cause donations to happen.
- Sign--and, of course, encourage friends to sign--our petitions that will be sent to President Obama to encourage him to endorse Youth Outreach Day as an official event that will take place on the second Saturday of each October. To find out more about this, go here:
- Invite others to the various IYN groups at social sites of which you're a member. If you're not a member of these groups, consider joining any, some, or all. You can find them listed (among other things) on our online directory page which you can access by going here:
- Get creative in your approach to promoting IYN and its mission. You can find some ideas for this by going here:
- Look into the idea of starting a community chapter. You can do this on your own and/or get others in your area interested in this. You can find information about this--plus check out some already-established chapters--by going here:
- Feel free to share this message in e-mail, either by linking to it or copying and pasting it (or both). Besides initially posting it here at our group at Care2, I'm posting it other places as well (for starters, as an entry in the blog I'm keeping about IYN and/or sharing links to it. Feel free also to share links to it on places such as blogs, websites, sig-blocks, and profile pages.
- Are you a crafty person? Do you like to bake? Do you like to wash cars? Are you musical? Do you play sports? Are you otherwise talented? Do you enjoy participating in thons? Do you enjoy holding yard sales? These are some of many ways that you can raise funds for IYN.
Ainsley Jo Phillips
Management Team
Invisible Youth Network
Chapter President
Sugar Fork Creek Chapter of Madison County
Ainsley Jo Phillips,
Invisible Youth Network,
Russell T. Hartsaw,
young adult,
Fun And Creative Ways To Help Our Cause
This is a page I'm working on to go along with another page of information. It has been posted unfinished for the purpose of creating a link to be used on the other page of information to take people to this page when it's finished. It should have the content on it that it's meant to have on it before too long. . .
Ainsley Jo Phillips,
Invisible Youth Network,
Russell T. Hartsaw,
young adult,
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Street Outreach & Wish List
Note: The Donate button copied and pasted with the rest of Russell's message doesn't work in the body of this blog-entry, but you can visit our site to find one that does.
Being that the Board of Directors at their February 19, 2010 meeting placed high on their priority list our Street Outreach Program, I want to share with you what we have been providing these street kids in the form of survival supplies as these resources are available.
As listed on our website under donations:
Being that the Board of Directors at their February 19, 2010 meeting placed high on their priority list our Street Outreach Program, I want to share with you what we have been providing these street kids in the form of survival supplies as these resources are available.
As listed on our website under donations:
| |||
Russell T. Hartsaw
Founder & Chairman
Invisible Youth Network
Founder & Chairman
Invisible Youth Network
Street Children
Tell Me Why
Monday, February 22, 2010
Now Being Sent Out To San Diego Media & Craig's List
Earlier today, I received a copy of something that Russell is sending out to all of the major medias in San Diego, California and is posting on Craig's List as well.
The purpose of this is to bring to light what is needed on a local level. However, IYN is an international organization with a mission to provide help wherever it's needed and however we can.
Of course, we can only do so much, but we'd like to do as much as possible. Much of what we're able to do depends on you the reader.
Donations help, setting up local chapters helps, and continuing to spread the word about us helps.
Please read what's posted below and contact us to find out what you can do!
In the next few minutes this will be sent out to all of the major medias in San Diego, California, including posted on craigslist.
Are you familiar with our organization, Invisible Youth Network, which was officially launched on March 26, 2007 for the purpose of reaching out to homeless youth.
If not, you might want to become familiar with us by visiting our main website at:
We are currently focusing our efforts towards providing an estimated 4,000 homeless youth walking the streets of San Diego, California a youth drop in center and emergency shelter, where they will have their immediate needs addressed and where they will have access to partner resources which will help them develop the skills necessary to become a responsible and productive members of the community and society as a whole.
We are actively seeking sponsorships and partnerships, and expanding our Board of Directors and street outreach to include new members, that be you!
These young people have been failed by the adults and the systems that were supposed to protect them. We can't undo their histories, but we can give them the support and tools to have a successful future.
This is an opportunity to make a positive difference and impact in the lives of San Diego's homeless youth.
How we differ from other organizations:
The purpose of this is to bring to light what is needed on a local level. However, IYN is an international organization with a mission to provide help wherever it's needed and however we can.
Of course, we can only do so much, but we'd like to do as much as possible. Much of what we're able to do depends on you the reader.
Donations help, setting up local chapters helps, and continuing to spread the word about us helps.
Please read what's posted below and contact us to find out what you can do!
In the next few minutes this will be sent out to all of the major medias in San Diego, California, including posted on craigslist.
Are you familiar with our organization, Invisible Youth Network, which was officially launched on March 26, 2007 for the purpose of reaching out to homeless youth.
If not, you might want to become familiar with us by visiting our main website at:
We are currently focusing our efforts towards providing an estimated 4,000 homeless youth walking the streets of San Diego, California a youth drop in center and emergency shelter, where they will have their immediate needs addressed and where they will have access to partner resources which will help them develop the skills necessary to become a responsible and productive members of the community and society as a whole.
We are actively seeking sponsorships and partnerships, and expanding our Board of Directors and street outreach to include new members, that be you!
These young people have been failed by the adults and the systems that were supposed to protect them. We can't undo their histories, but we can give them the support and tools to have a successful future.
This is an opportunity to make a positive difference and impact in the lives of San Diego's homeless youth.
How we differ from other organizations:
We have no paid positions, everyone is a volunteer.
We have no fancy offices or expense accounts, all volunteers work out of their home/offices.
90% of all donations go to our projects and programs.
10% of all donations go to operational expenses.
Our founder & Chairman Russell T. Hartsaw is a former homeless youth, gang member and has spent 44 years of his life incarcerated. He has been there and done that, in the process he has witnesses many youth destroyed.
For further information please contact us at or call 619-272-9040.
For further information please contact us at or call 619-272-9040.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Mark February 24, 2010 On Your Calendar! Why? Details Below. . .
Hi Supporter,
Over the last several months, we've tried something new (a series of time-
sensitive challenges) to
help Invisible Youth Network and all the causes listed at iGive. It's
worked better than we ever expected. To date,
we've donated over $10,000 as a result of these challenges. So we've
cooked up another challenge.
This time we're making a change suggested by many of your peers. We're
giving you
ADVANCE NOTICE of the upcoming challenge to allow time to prepare your
notifications to your supporters,
if you decide to participate.
The 24 hour, $1 per new member special challenge begins Wednesday, February
24, 2010 at noon Chicago time.
That is about one week from the date this e-mail was sent to you.
To make this work for Invisible Youth Network, it'll require your
participation, but it is free and definitely easy.
For each person who joins iGive using the special link below AND visits a
participating iGive store
(there are over 700 stores (from Amazon to Zazzle, eBay to HSN and QVC) at
iGive) via iGive
between noon, Wednesday February 24, 2010 and 11:59 a.m., Thursday,
February 25, 2010,
we'll give Invisible Youth Network a dollar.
5,000 new members, $5,000. No purchase necessary. That's 5,000 new
members for all causes, not just
yours, so it's a bit of race.
Of course, if these new members search more (or buy something at an iGive
store) they'll earn even more
money for Invisible Youth Network. Right now, we're donating a special
bonus of $5 for that first purchase plus the
usual percentage, on top of this $1 special challenge.
Here's where you come in. The only way Invisible Youth Network will get
new supporters and that free $1 (or more)
is if you invite them. Send your friends, family, and colleagues the
following link in an e-mail, tweet it, chirp it, do a
Facebook posting, put up posters, shout from mountain tops (you know the
drill) and let them know you think
Invisible Youth Network is pretty cool and deserves their support,
especially since it's free! You can even just forward
this e-mail.
This is the link:
We've made tons of improvements recently, so we want lots of people to try
it out and put it to the test.
If they keep on searching or shopping after testing us out, so much the
better for Invisible Youth Network .
The details:
- Offer active between noon, February 24, 2010 and 11:59 a.m.,
Februrary 25, 2010 (Chicago time).
- New members only (never have been an iGive member previously). All
the normal rules of membership, searching, and purchasing apply, our site
has the details. Real people only, who sign themselves up. It's not fair
to hire a room full of elves who sign people up, the new member has to sign
him or herself up.
- Once we've given away $5,000 to all causes combined, the offer ends.
- The special link is important. No link, no $1.
- Visiting a store via iGive is crucial. No visiting a store via
iGive, no $1.
That's it. Don't forget to try our search yourself
( as well as checking out the over 700 stores.
You may need to login or register first (personally, as an iGive member).
We sent you this e-mail because you're in our records as the cause contact,
not as a member personally.
Want to see how your group is doing, both towards the 5,000 member goal and
in general? Once the challenge starts, you can see stats at:
Robert N. Grosshandler
Over the last several months, we've tried something new (a series of time-
sensitive challenges) to
help Invisible Youth Network and all the causes listed at iGive. It's
worked better than we ever expected. To date,
we've donated over $10,000 as a result of these challenges. So we've
cooked up another challenge.
This time we're making a change suggested by many of your peers. We're
giving you
ADVANCE NOTICE of the upcoming challenge to allow time to prepare your
notifications to your supporters,
if you decide to participate.
The 24 hour, $1 per new member special challenge begins Wednesday, February
24, 2010 at noon Chicago time.
That is about one week from the date this e-mail was sent to you.
To make this work for Invisible Youth Network, it'll require your
participation, but it is free and definitely easy.
For each person who joins iGive using the special link below AND visits a
participating iGive store
(there are over 700 stores (from Amazon to Zazzle, eBay to HSN and QVC) at
iGive) via iGive
between noon, Wednesday February 24, 2010 and 11:59 a.m., Thursday,
February 25, 2010,
we'll give Invisible Youth Network a dollar.
5,000 new members, $5,000. No purchase necessary. That's 5,000 new
members for all causes, not just
yours, so it's a bit of race.
Of course, if these new members search more (or buy something at an iGive
store) they'll earn even more
money for Invisible Youth Network. Right now, we're donating a special
bonus of $5 for that first purchase plus the
usual percentage, on top of this $1 special challenge.
Here's where you come in. The only way Invisible Youth Network will get
new supporters and that free $1 (or more)
is if you invite them. Send your friends, family, and colleagues the
following link in an e-mail, tweet it, chirp it, do a
Facebook posting, put up posters, shout from mountain tops (you know the
drill) and let them know you think
Invisible Youth Network is pretty cool and deserves their support,
especially since it's free! You can even just forward
this e-mail.
This is the link:
We've made tons of improvements recently, so we want lots of people to try
it out and put it to the test.
If they keep on searching or shopping after testing us out, so much the
better for Invisible Youth Network .
The details:
- Offer active between noon, February 24, 2010 and 11:59 a.m.,
Februrary 25, 2010 (Chicago time).
- New members only (never have been an iGive member previously). All
the normal rules of membership, searching, and purchasing apply, our site
has the details. Real people only, who sign themselves up. It's not fair
to hire a room full of elves who sign people up, the new member has to sign
him or herself up.
- Once we've given away $5,000 to all causes combined, the offer ends.
- The special link is important. No link, no $1.
- Visiting a store via iGive is crucial. No visiting a store via
iGive, no $1.
That's it. Don't forget to try our search yourself
( as well as checking out the over 700 stores.
You may need to login or register first (personally, as an iGive member).
We sent you this e-mail because you're in our records as the cause contact,
not as a member personally.
Want to see how your group is doing, both towards the 5,000 member goal and
in general? Once the challenge starts, you can see stats at:
Robert N. Grosshandler
Ainsley Jo Phillips,
February 24,
Invisible Youth Network,
Russell T. Hartsaw,
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thank you for taking the time to read this note where I give you the latest on the happenings of IYN.
For starters, we are revamping our online presence to make it more effective and are doing away with some offices and/or keeping them for a time when we can find people who can fill them better (with the exception of the ones we decide are necessary at this time and are already being filled by people who fit the job description).
For example, I was given the title of Deputy Chairman of Public Relations, but I'm really not administrative material, so, if Russell decides that this position is a keeper, I won't be the one filling it in the future, and I'm very okay with that. For one thing, it makes my sig-block look less busy.
However, that's just one small matter. The BIG matter is how to make IYN step outside of the computer and into the real world more. We're still keeping our online presence, but the kids we serve don't live inside of a computer. They are out in the real world, and Russell has written about this so well that I've made his words into blog-entries that can be found by going here and here.
We are looking for people who are able to do any, some, or all of the following:
Ainsley Jo Phillips

Founding Member & Public Information Officer
Invisible Youth Network
Chapter President
Sugar Fork Creek Chapter of Madison County
Thank you for taking the time to read this note where I give you the latest on the happenings of IYN.
For starters, we are revamping our online presence to make it more effective and are doing away with some offices and/or keeping them for a time when we can find people who can fill them better (with the exception of the ones we decide are necessary at this time and are already being filled by people who fit the job description).
For example, I was given the title of Deputy Chairman of Public Relations, but I'm really not administrative material, so, if Russell decides that this position is a keeper, I won't be the one filling it in the future, and I'm very okay with that. For one thing, it makes my sig-block look less busy.
However, that's just one small matter. The BIG matter is how to make IYN step outside of the computer and into the real world more. We're still keeping our online presence, but the kids we serve don't live inside of a computer. They are out in the real world, and Russell has written about this so well that I've made his words into blog-entries that can be found by going here and here.
We are looking for people who are able to do any, some, or all of the following:
- Keep us in your prayers and/or positive thoughts.
- Send us cash donations and/or items we have listed on our wish list. To find out more about this, go here and here.
- Use your special talents to help us in our mission. For instance, if you can knit, our young people could use some stocking caps. If you can quilt, make one or more one-person-sized quilts. If you're a musician, consider staging a benefit concert. If you're a member of the medical profession (e.g. doctor, nurse, dentist), donate part of your time to caring for our street kids. If you're a writer and/or blogger write about us--and we appreciate your sharing information about us in your e-mails as well.
- Go here to find out how to become a mentor.
- When you looked at our donation link, did you also notice the opportunities to help raise funds for our mission by doing things that you probably do already such as making purchases online and surfing the internet? Consider doing this at least part of the time when you shop and/or surf. We also have other ways where you can raise funds by doing what comes naturally such as playing online games. When we post something like this, please check it out.
- Consider starting an online chapter in your area that will get both local and global issues "out there" to a greater number of people. You can check out the chapters that have already been set up--plus get more information about starting your own--by going here.
- If your community has a population of street youth, put together an outreach group and go out to bring things they might be able to use to them--meaning things such as food, food cards, store cards, personal hygiene items, clothing, backpacks, blankets, etc. and, most importantly, a non-judgmental listening ear.
- Sign any or all of our petitions to make it official that Youth Outreach Day takes place on the second Saturday of every October (details here and here) as well as organizing/encouraging others in your community to organize special activities on that day.
- Finally, feel free to contact us with your own ideas. We can always tell you that it won't work with us and why--though we're open to most ideas just so long as the best interests of our youth wouldn't be compromised. For example, we have no place for those judgmental, bullying boot-camps or that kind of mentality. These young people have been hurt and put down enough already, and this kind of thing is the last thing they need happening in their lives.
Ainsley Jo Phillips
Founding Member & Public Information Officer
Invisible Youth Network
Chapter President
Sugar Fork Creek Chapter of Madison County
Reality Check From Russell
There are an estimated 1.5 homeless children walking the streets of American cities alone of this 1.5 million there is an estimated 4,000 on any given day walking the streets of San Diego, California where IYN headquarters is located. The average age of these kids has been determined to be between the ages of nine and fifteen.
Each of these kids have their own story of why they are homeless among those stories are throwaway children by parents who could no longer afford them, mental, physical and sexual abuse at home or school.
The kids that are able to survive street life have their own way of surviving chief among them is selling their bodies to survive both female and male, theft and everything thrown in between.
Many of these kids do not have a clean set of clothes, no personal hygiene items, no way to shower and go without food for days.
They sleep with the elements, rain, snow, cold, hot, four legged predators and needless to say two legged predators as well.
How am I sure of this at the age of nine when my parents deserted me I was one of these kids.
One thing that you can count on with these kids they spend a great deal of time being afraid, scared, lonely and crying.
How can we not be there for these kids in every possible way.
Russell T. Hartsaw
Founder & Chairman
Invisible Youth Network
Each of these kids have their own story of why they are homeless among those stories are throwaway children by parents who could no longer afford them, mental, physical and sexual abuse at home or school.
The kids that are able to survive street life have their own way of surviving chief among them is selling their bodies to survive both female and male, theft and everything thrown in between.
Many of these kids do not have a clean set of clothes, no personal hygiene items, no way to shower and go without food for days.
They sleep with the elements, rain, snow, cold, hot, four legged predators and needless to say two legged predators as well.
How am I sure of this at the age of nine when my parents deserted me I was one of these kids.
One thing that you can count on with these kids they spend a great deal of time being afraid, scared, lonely and crying.
How can we not be there for these kids in every possible way.
Russell T. Hartsaw
Founder & Chairman
Invisible Youth Network
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