Monday, May 31, 2010

Who Am I?

Ainsley Jo Phillips from Anderson, Indiana USA

I've been with IYN even before its beginning, having first met Russell on January 15, 2007 at a discussion site called Duno.  Therefore, I've watched it grow from a field of dreams to where it is today--and it's still getting better and better!!!

When I was in better health (though my health was starting to deteriorate even at that time so that doing this was a challenge), I could be seen on a regular basis at places like Dollar General and Family Dollar buying  various items to be put into flat-rate, shirt-box-size mailing boxes to be sent to Russell for distribution to at least some of the near-4000 young people who are living outside in San Diego.  When I went there, to the post office, and to other places as well, I would pass out information sheets about IYN.

Near the end of May 24, 2009, I was taken to ER and was admitted to a room very early on May 25.  Diagnosis was lymphedema with a three-bug MRSA infection going on.  I was there for a little over a week with follow-up care given (initially) at home and (later) at the clinic.

This is an incurable-but-manageable condition, and I've made a considerable amount of progress in managing it.  However--as I'm still in the stage where I'm only wearing bandages instead of shoes--I'm not going in and out of stores these days, though I hope to be before the year is over.

However, I still manage to stay active in IYN as best as I can.  One way is to make a regular (pre-programmed) monthly donation.  I also still share information with people both online and in real life.  This is done in a number of ways with two of those being my chapter website and my IYN-themed blog.  Their names are listed below as clickable links...

Sugar Fork Creek Chapter of Madison County

My Helping Hand Journal

I hope that my words here will get across that there's something that nearly everybody can do when it comes to helping with our mission, so I'd like to encourage anybody who happens to read this message to check out our various websites and other examples of online presence and think of one or more ways that you might like to participate in our mission.  A countless number of young people in many parts of the third rock from the sun are counting on you!!!