Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brad & Angelina--Are You Reading This!?!

Russell is getting the word out down in San Diego about a project known as TFHY, so I thought that I would "travel" a little ways north to Hollywood and the surrounding area to see if there were any big name celebrities who might be interested in heading down that way to find out how they might be of help.

Actually, you don't have to be a big name celebrity to respond to this calling--just a V.I.P. (very important person).  If you are a person, you are very important, so you qualify.

Now, all you have to do is to be able to get down to San Diego and--if you can be in attendance on a regular basis--join this task force.   If you can't do that, there are other things you can be doing, depending on your resources.  Here are some ideas:

  • If you're a movie/TV star, elected official, athlete, recording artist, or some other kind of person with "clout," you might want to make some kind of public statement in favor of what we're doing for the simple reason that scores of people know you and, often, like to imitate you.
  • If you're a reporter and/or documentary maker, you can use your talents to get the word out about our cause and why it's important.
  • If you're an everyday person with a computer and you have friends in the San Diego area who might want to be part of our task force in some capacity, please e-mail them and share a link to this blog-entry.
  • If you're a business owner and have something you can donate, please consider donating to some of our 4000 street youth.  For example, if you own a clothing store, please take a look at our wish list and donate some items for our kids to wear.  If you own a general merchandise store, you might want to donate things such as personal hygiene items, backpacks, blankets, etc.  If you're a restaurant owner, would you consider putting on a cook-out for our kids to enjoy? 
In short, there's one thing or another that any one of you who happen to be reading this could be doing.  Having said that, I'm going to share Russell's memo...

The Invisible Youth Network is in the process of putting together a special project to address the estimated 4,000 homeless youth walking the streets of San Diego, California.

The project will be known as Task Force on Homeless Youth (TFHY).

THFY members will consist of volunteers from the San Diego, California community who will be looking at causes and effects of homeless youth, as well as an array of possible solutions.

THFY members will interview homeless youth and listen to their stories, keeping in mind that each kid has their own story and set of circumstances.

THFY members will interview agencies related to homeless youth and determine their effectiveness.

THFY members will interview law enforcement agencies concerned with homeless youth issues and collect their findings, suggestions and etc.

Our members will meet monthly in downtown San Diego, California, where planning, strategy and implementation will be under discussion.

We will also maintain a supportive website.

Your participation will make a huge difference in the lives of homeless youth.

Russell T. Hartsaw

Founder & Chairman
Invisible Youth Network