Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mark February 24, 2010 On Your Calendar! Why? Details Below. . .

Hi Supporter,

Over the last several months, we've tried something new (a series of time-
sensitive challenges) to
help Invisible Youth Network and all the causes listed at iGive.  It's
worked better than we ever expected.  To date,
we've donated over $10,000 as a result of these challenges.  So we've
cooked up another challenge.

This time we're making a change suggested by many of your peers.  We're
giving you
ADVANCE NOTICE of the upcoming challenge to allow time to prepare your
notifications to your supporters,
if you decide to participate.

The 24 hour, $1 per new member special challenge begins Wednesday, February
24, 2010 at noon Chicago time.
That is about one week from the date this e-mail was sent to you.

To make this work for Invisible Youth Network, it'll require your
participation, but it is free and definitely easy.


For each person who joins iGive using the special link below AND visits a
participating iGive store
(there are over 700 stores (from Amazon to Zazzle, eBay to HSN and QVC) at
iGive) via iGive
between noon, Wednesday February 24, 2010 and 11:59 a.m., Thursday,
February 25, 2010,
we'll give Invisible Youth Network a dollar.


5,000 new members, $5,000.  No purchase necessary.  That's 5,000 new
members for all causes, not just
yours, so it's a bit of race.

Of course, if these new members search more (or buy something at an iGive
store) they'll earn even more
money for Invisible Youth Network.  Right now, we're donating a special
bonus of $5 for that first purchase plus the
usual percentage, on top of this $1 special challenge.

Here's where you come in.  The only way Invisible Youth Network will get
new supporters and that free $1 (or more)
is if you invite them.  Send your friends, family, and colleagues the
following link in an e-mail, tweet it, chirp it, do a
Facebook posting, put up posters, shout from mountain tops (you know the
drill) and let them know you think
Invisible Youth Network is pretty cool and deserves their support,
especially since it's free!  You can even just forward
this e-mail.

This is the link:

We've made tons of improvements recently, so we want lots of people to try
it out and put it to the test.
If they keep on searching or shopping after testing us out, so much the
better for Invisible Youth Network .

The details:
    - Offer active between noon, February 24, 2010  and 11:59 a.m.,
Februrary 25, 2010 (Chicago time).
    - New members only (never have been an iGive member previously).  All
the normal rules of membership, searching, and purchasing apply, our site
has the details.  Real people only, who sign themselves up.  It's not fair
to hire a room full of elves who sign people up, the new member has to sign
him or herself up.
    - Once we've given away $5,000 to all causes combined, the offer ends.
    - The special link is important.  No link, no $1.
    - Visiting a store via iGive is crucial.  No visiting a store via
iGive, no $1.

That's it.  Don't forget to try our search yourself
( as well as checking out the over 700 stores.
You may need to login or register first (personally, as an iGive member).
We sent you this e-mail because you're in our records as the cause contact,
not as a member personally.

Want to see how your group is doing, both towards the 5,000 member goal and
in general?   Once the challenge starts, you can see stats at:


Robert N. Grosshandler