Monday, October 18, 2010

From Happy Campers To Jolly Ranchers

Here is the latest from Russell re: plans for Camp Edge.  Sounds like a plan to me, so I hope that you'll pitch in to help in any way that you can. . .

Living on The Edge
  The estimate is 4,000 + homeless youth walking the streets of San Diego County, California and living on the edge every day in every way, for example:
“According to the National Conference of State Legislatures Five thousand homeless youth die each year from assault.”
That is equivalent to five high schools of students each year.
For some time the Invisible Youth Network has been kicking around the idea of putting together a camp in North County for the homeless kids of San Diego County, California, in the form of the various camps that you may enroll your kids in during summer break from school, the exception Camp Edge would be open year around.
What we have decided in the meantime is to have a series of fund raisers to purchase a ranch with all of the amenities of a ranch, and run Camp Edge as a ranch.
We can use your help in the following areas of this project:
1. Donations, of course.
2. Help us come-up with fund raising ideas for this project.
3. Help us find a location for Camp Edge.
4. Help us plan-out how Camp Edge will be operated.